This program displays various
statistics about your Dial-up, GPRS, ADSL, LAN and so forth (TCP/IP) connections to
the Internet. It can process almost all variety of tariff schemes, which are used by ISPs
of different countries (money expenses for 1 business hour and for 1 Mb of traffic).
Management of several connections (providers), each having its own settings and
connections reports (log files) with recorded session details and diagrams showing money,
time and traffic statistics. Export of connection report table into Microsoft Excel. Ping
of remote address. Synchronization of system time with public NTP servers of exact time in
the Internet.
The program has the following editable counters: Session Time, Incoming / Outgoing
Traffic, Connection Speed, Reception Speed, Transmission Speed, Current Session Expenses,
Payment Balance, System Time, Expenses for period and Counters of Totals.
Options Wizard will help you to make initial ('draft') adjustment
of the current connection.
Network Montor window shows IP addresses and ports, to which your computer
connected to the moment.
Graphs of speed window shows graphs of speed of reception and transmission during a
session of connection.
There is a number of additional options and fully customizable interface:
Counters of the main window and speed counters may be arranged both horizontally (row) and
vertically (column). Counter dimensions (width, height) can be adjusted, their readings -
aligned (left, center, right);
Ability to use any number of tariffs that change depending on system time and day of a
An option to set the starting day of monthly account (on this day the readings of counters
of totals are cleared);
An option to choose background and font colors of any counter;
An option to launch other programs either before or after establishing connection and
close them when ICC closes;
Sound support with an option of choosing any *.wav file for the selected event;
Connection break by timer;
Charges calculation by seconds and minutes;
IE dial-up window-operated dialing and redialing at break;
An option to run the program at Windows start-up and autorun when IE starts browsing
(Windows 95, 98 and ME only).
Unloading ICC from memory when disconnected (in a user-defined number of seconds) and
system shutdown possibility.
An option to set a password for the Options window;
Optional blocking of the 'Exit' item of the menu;
An option to make the program invisible in the Windows Task Manager's list called by
pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del (Windows 95, 98 and ME only).
Options Load in stealth mode (show / hide - Ctrl +
Shift + Left Arrow), and Lock system task Manager
enable to hide the program from users working in your absence.
Is added in this version:
- For "RasApi" fixed error when exceeding the incoming traffic 2 GB.
- In tab <General> - <Administration> added option 'Lock system task Manager'.
Done so that it was impossible to remove the ICC task.
- In tab <General> - <Control> added option 'Download in hidden mode,
show/hide - <Ctrl+Shift+left Arrow>. Done to ensure that no unauthorized to close
the ICC. |