According to the scheme (Help - Fig. 1.0) program
can enable / disable from 1 to 12 electrical appliances (external device), to read the
status of 5 hardware sensors, to use the data files f1 and f2 as sensors. External device
using a 12 blocks control external devices (BCED, Help - Fig. 1.1) are connected to the
pins of the LPT.
Devices can be managed by the following main ways:
- manually;
- using the five sensors (the number of their on/offs can be taken into account);
- the contents of two text files f1 and f2; timer (schedule); from any computer of the
local network, if you have installed the application LPTS_Client;
- remotely using the phone keypad, if the computer where you installed the program
LPT_Switch have a 'voice' modem.
After starting the program reads a configuration file of the selected profile
(LPT_Switch.ini default) and window elements accept user-defined properties and status.
The lower part of the window, Options, where are all custom settings and properties of the
program, and can be displayed or hidden by the green arrow on the display panel. To
remember (entry in the ini file) changed settings are used, click Apply or OK. When OK is
pressed, the lower part of the Options window becomes invisible, minimized. |
