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Internet Connection Counter

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Registration Internet Connection Counter 7.6

The program is shareware. It is fully functional during trial period of 100 uses. Once you have purchased the product a license key will be sent to you via email to unlock the software for use. This process usually takes less than 48 hours.

Your license will be valid for all future versions of Internet Connection Counter.
You will never be charged for upgrades!

Order personal license - $18.75
Register Online (choice):

  1. ShareIt!     ShareIt!

  2. eSellerate   eSellerate

Online ordering: The easiest and fastest way to order is online using credit cards. The ordering pages are on a secure web site that encrypts all transmitted credit card data according to the secure HTTP protocol. As soon as we'll be notified that your order has been processed, we'll provide you with the serial number which will register your copy of Internet Connection Counter.

Important: when filling the order form, please double-check that your e-mail address is correct. If it will not, we'll be unable to send you the registration code.